We’re pleased to announce Santa’s Sleigh is wrapping up its deliveries for 2018 this weekend. Santa’s Sleigh kicked off the season with a Thanksgiving effort in northern Floriday, helping families in the storm zone from Hurricane Michael to enjoy Thanksgiving in their own homes. Also, over the course of two Saturdays Santa’s Sleigh sponsored “Shop-with-a-Cop” activities in six rural communities where such events are quiteRead more
Author: Sleigh Driver
Blessings of Gratitude
Hurricane Michael has not received as much media attention as other big storms of the past but for the folks living on the Florida gulf coast the storm was devastating. For most of them it has been two solid months of total rebuilding. Ernesto Diaz has been there much of that time. As an electrician, his skills have been employed in non-stop service, working sixRead more
Operation Christmas Cheer 2018 Kicks Off
For many years we have hosted a simple little effort at MyMerryChristmas.com called Operation Christmas Cheer. Through this effort we work to identify folks in need of a little boost at Christmas and send them Christmas cards. In many cases, these folks are the elderly. These are people who do not get out much, perhaps are lonely and do not receive many visitors, or othersRead more
Santa’s Sleigh Spends $41.78
Let me tell you a little bit about my wife. She has an extraordinary talent in connecting with people. She is in tune to spirit and emotion in a significant way. I cannot take her to the airport without her crying — that’s how sensitive she is to other people, even strangers. I cannot take her anywhere, it seems, without running into to someone sheRead more
Learning to Receive
We made plans to be together all day yesterday. Events conspired against us. You don’t need the details but we found ourselves only having a small window to even see each other yesterday and we didn’t even head out for dinner until close to 8pm. Things were so rushed and we both were so exhausted that it was more like our normal weekly date night.Read more